On 16th February, 2023, the Council of Europe Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) published the Fifth Round Evaluation Report of Ireland. GRECO’s fifth evaluation round evaluated the effectiveness of the framework in place in Ireland to prevent corruption amongst persons with top executive functions (such as ministers, senior civil servants and advisers) and members of the police (An Garda Síochána). It aimed to identify areas for improvement and positive developments that should be sustained with a view to assisting the Irish authorities in strengthening prevention efforts in line with GRECO standards.

The Compliance Report was published on 24th September, 2024, to assess the progress of the recommendations set out in GRECO’s Fifth Round Evaluation Report. GRECO concludes that Ireland has implemented satisfactorily one of the eighteen recommendations set out in the Fifth Round Evaluation Report. This recommendation relates to the ongoing reform process regarding the complaints mechanism be completed with regard to the complaints body’s independence and resources and
guaranteeing a strengthened role in the complaints process. Of the outstanding seventeen recommendations, four recommendations have been partly implemented and thirteen have not been implemented.

The report can be accessed here.